ACS Level One: Smartcards

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Module Length: 1 Credit Hour
Approved for CEUs by: Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, North Carolina, New Jersey

One of the most confusing, even intimidating questions will often be €œWhat format should these cards have? This module can't answer that question for you, but it will give you all the facts to be able to make the right choice every time. The structure of formats and their function in the credential, reader and controller are clearly explained.

The mere mention of using smartcards in access control can cause a blank look to appear on the face of an otherwise competent technician or sales person. It doesn't need to be that way. This module will strip away the fog around smartcards and show how appropriate they can be for any access application. The focus is on contactless smartcards but contact cards are also explained. All the terminology and regulating standards will be described in layman's language. Extreme data security and multi-function capabilities are two huge advantages of contactless cards. The security feature called mutual authentication is cleverly revealed through animation graphics in a way that anyone can understand how it works. Security and storage of multiple types of data such as a card number, biometric template and virtual cash are all explained.

This course is a component of the Access Control Specialist (ACS) Level One certification. It may be taken on its own or ordered as part of the ACS Level One training bundle for a lower overall cost.


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Course Demographics
Course Length (min.) 60 Video  NO
Mobile Friendly YES Audio  YES
CEU Approvals
State Hours Special Instructions
Louisiana 1
Mississippi 1
New Jersey 1 Click HERE for Details
North Carolina 1 Click HERE for Details
Tennessee 1
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