ACS Level One: Biometrics

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Module Length: 1 Credit Hour
Approved for CEUs by: Louisiana, Mississippi, New Jersey, Tennessee, Utah

We included a high-level overview of the most popular biometric technologies to give you solid knowledge on this challenging subject. Fingerprint, hand geometry, iris recognition, facial recognition and other choices are explained. The difference between passive and active biometric systems is also covered.

Biometric products can be used in a stand-alone mode, connected to a central database or employ contactless smartcards to carry the bio data for the cardholder. Advantages and liabilities of each technology and each method of deployment are covered in an informative and unbiased manner. Biometrics will no longer be a mystery.

This course is a component of the Access Control Specialist (ACS) Level One. It may be taken on its own or ordered as part of the ACS Level One training bundle for a lower overall cost.


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Course Demographics
Course Length (min.) 60 Video  NO
Mobile Friendly YES Audio  YES
CEU Approvals
State Hours Special Instructions
Louisiana 1
Mississippi 1
New Jersey 1 Click HERE for Details
Tennessee 1
Utah 1 Click HERE for Details
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